Messaggio del Santo Padre all’Arcivescovo di Bombay per l’emergenza sanitaria Covid-19 in India, 06.05.2021
Pubblichiamo di seguito il Messaggio che il Santo Padre Francesco ha inviato all' Card. Oswald Gracias, Arcivescovo di Bombay e Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale dei Vescovi Cattolici dell’India, per l’emergenza sanitaria Covid-19 nel Paese:
To Cardinal Oswald Gracias
Archbishop of Bombay
President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India
At this time when so many in India are suffering as a result of the present health emergency, I am writing to convey my heartfelt solidarity and spiritual closeness to all the Indian people, together with the assurance of my prayers that God will grant healing and consolation to everyone affected by this grave pandemic.
My thoughts go above all to the sick and their families, to those who care for them, and in particular to those who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. I think too of the many doctors, nurses, hospital workers, ambulance drivers and those working tirelessly to respond to the immediate needs of their brothers and sisters. With deep appreciation I invoke upon all of them God’s gifts of perseverance, strength and peace.
In a particular way, I am united to the Catholic community in your country, with gratitude for its works of charity and fraternal solidarity carried out in the service of all; I think especially of the generosity shown by so many committed young people. I join you in commending to the Lord’s infinite mercy the faithful who have lost their lives, not least the great numbers of priests and men and women religious. In these days of immense grief, may we all be consoled in the hope born of Easter and our unshakeable faith in Christ’s promise of resurrection and new life. To all I send my blessing.
Rome, from Saint John Lateran, 6 May 2021
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