World Mission Sunday 2020

Message From Pope Francis

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I wish to express my gratitude to God for the commitment with which the Church throughout the world carried out the Extraordinary Missionary Month last October. I am convinced that it stimulated missionary conversion in many communities on the path indicated by the theme: “Baptized and Sent: the Church of Christ on Mission in the World”.

In this year marked by the suffering and challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the missionary journey of the whole Church continues in light of the words found in the account of the calling of the prophet Isaiah: “Here am I, send me” (6:8). This is the ever new response to the Lord’s question: “Whom shall I send?” (ibid.). This invitation from God’s merciful heart challenges both the Church and humanity as a whole in the current world crisis. “Like the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm. We have realized that we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other. Read More

Message from National Director Fr. Ambrose Pitchaimuthu

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Today, Holy Mother the Church invites us to celebrate World Mission Sunday which unites all Catholics into one community of faith. At this Holy Eucharist let us recommit ourselves to dedicate as much as we can, regardless of the trying times we are in, to the mission of the Church.

In his Message for World Mission Sunday 2020, our Holy Father Pope Francis has explained clearly, that we treat this pandemic as a time of meaningful mission by being of service to others. Each time we answer “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8) by participating in a Church-activity, we remind one another, our fellow Christians, of our commitment and support to the missionary work of the Church especially through prayer and sacrifice, offered with great love.

This year though, this special theme “Here am I, send me” has raised the bar of our faith, has deepened our passion, has made us more creative in rising out of the ills that we may find ourselves or our loved ones surrounded in, in churning out of our core a relevant and new meaning again, attesting that by baptism, we are each already a mission in the world.

Mission Sunday every year is a reminder to renew our prayer-life, our practices of almsgiving and to become more creative in our sacrifices. Let us remember these sentiments as we commit to support our Universal Church in her mission while offering this Holy Sacrifice for the missionary activities everywhere, that it may witness to Christ’s work in this world.

Penitential Service
Your mission is to include all and exclude none. As our world suffers from extreme discrimination of caste, race, colour, gender and other forms, enable us to be ambassadors who stand for unity and dignity of every human being as one children of God.
Lord Have Mercy…... Lord Have Mercy

You hear the silent voices and pleas of all those suffering from oppression and rejection, especially from those who are poor and downtrodden, those deprived of their basic necessities of life. May our mission be the beacon and pathway of enlightenment so as to empower and guide such wounded and scarred brothers and sisters towards a more humane standard of living.
Christ Have Mercy…...Christ have Mercy

You became one like us that we may learn from you to be human and divine. Help us to be human in sharing your love and care to all, thereby overcoming all divisions that break the spirit of humanity, so as to emerge as missionary disciples who care for the living and the non-living to exist and to co-exist.
Lord Have Mercy…... Lord Have Mercy

First Reading: Is 45:1, 4-6
Responsorial Psalm: 96:1, 3, 4-5, 7-8, 9-10
Second Reading: 1Thes 1:1-5b
Gospel: Mt 22:15-21

Prayer of the Faithful
The mission of Christ gathers us together in faith and love so that we may be renewed in our baptism and its commitment to mission. Let us pray to God the Father that he may strengthen us to rediscover and renew our own mission.

Your response: Lord hear our prayer.
1. For the church on mission in the world…, especially our Holy Father Pope Francis and all the bishops, priests and religious that they may proclaim the Gospel of Christ with compassion and zeal through the mystical body of Christ and that they may recognize equal justice for all its members.
2. For the leaders who govern the nations…, especially in the times of conflicts, ethnic divisions, cultural fundamentalism and an ever-increasing dehumanizing poverty, that they may become peacemakers and ensure equal justice to everyone entrusted to their care.
3. For all the missionaries…, who carry forward the mission of the proclamation of the faith especially under trying and challenging situations, that they may never lose fervour and enthusiasm, that they will be inspired to continue being a sign of hope for those whom they minister and that they may be infilled by the anointing of the Holy Spirit so as to be courageous and faithful to their calling.
4. For the immigrants…, who are displaced, far from home and family, that they will find a livelihood in order to make a living with dignity and that they will also be cared for through our daily prayers for them to have constancy of faith and inner-strength. We pray to you.
5. For those suffering…, especially due to illness, for a quick-control of the corona-virus-pandemic and for a healing of all those affected… for those who have died as warriors, all the victims and their families, we pray to you.

Merciful Father, hear graciously the prayers your loving children have made. Lord may your kingdom based on love, justice and peace become the core mission and focus of your church, of our community of faith, in this world. Bring us closer as one family of brothers and sisters, so that we can bear witness to our faith in Christ Jesus and proclaim his Gospel from wherever we are. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

Solemn Blessing
P. May the Lord protect you always and free you from every evil (Response) Amen.
P. May he inspire you to proclaim and witness the good news (Response) Amen.
P. May he bless your endeavours for the spread of the Gospel (Response) Amen.
P. May the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, descend upon you and remain with you forever (Response) Amen.


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